Monday, November 19, 2012

Jewel Palace,cairo museum,egypt

Jewel Palace

, one of the palaces in the Citadel of Saladin next to the Mosque of Muhammad Ali or Muhammad Ali Castle has become a museum, was built primarily to be a center for the wife of Muhammad Ali Pasha was established in 1814. Mohammed Ali Pasha's keenness to have this very palace of luxury and pomp. Is subject to several large halls most famous Reception Hall and the hours that are considered the most beautiful in the palace. Palace was decorated to the highest Ottoman decorative arts, whether wood or plaster boards. Budaiya palace is full of colors, drawings and engravings. The palace remained retains Bhzute even on finally to the Museum of Islamic heritage.
Palace configuration

great image  about Jewel Palace,cairo museum,egypt

Palace in the Cairo Citadel

Consists of architectural planning to limit the jewel of several blocks head consists of two layers begin the main entrance, which lies in front of the umbrella mounted on marble columns, and to the left of this portal architectures many topped other buildings dominated simplicity and relate Diwan Ketkhadda or Galatasaray Justice established by Muhammad Ali Pasha; the end of the entrance aspect North East rectangular room has a dual ladder connected to the field. This was wing dedicated to the staff of the palace or they knew as "Diwan own"; also leads corridor access also to buildings earmarked for a heart guard and walls of the arena's southern Castle and to the main courtyard, which overlooks it and units Court Palace and shed reception principal. The units earmarked for housing consists of the main reception suite or what was known as "Alkochk" and was dedicated to Receptions Muhammad Ali Pasha. Iwan thereto and two subgroups, as well as Hall display or throne, the largest palace room and oversees the Castle Square, and he saw Cairo and the Pyramids of Giza in the finest stock. We also get through the reception area of ​​the road was handed over to the naval wing Baksmih and back garden, known as the Black Garden. The palace also provided several halls, them alabaster Hall which type of marble, Hall watches in addition to the bathroom, which was known as "bath alabaster."

Amazing image  Jewel Palace,

The second layer

 Vtalo reception pavilion. We note that the units wrapped around the main courtyard and lead to Galatasaray hospitality. It has been used in the decoration of the walls and ceilings of this palace gilded inscriptions and decorations, strong floral vases and curtains fees carried out in the style known as "Baroque and Rococo," which is characterized by recurring decorative units and landscapes. Also excelled this palace as it contains fees fleet units. In this palace, Muhammad Ali Pasha received senior foreign visitors continued headquarters for official receptions until the era of Khedive Ismail Pasha, who received the Sultan Abdul Aziz Khan, who visited Egypt on November 4, Year 1279 AH / 1862 AD and lived in it for seven days. And associated Palace, the jewel in the Greater Cairo anniversary of the massacre committed by Muhammad Ali Pasha, while hosted, in the reception hall in the palace, the leaders of the Mamluks and kill them all.
vidio about Jewel Palace,cairo museum,egypt